The GLA:D® Program is a group-based exercise program, designed to be run in private practices, community health centres and hospital outpatient facilities.

The GLA:D® Program is an education and supervised exercise program, involving:

An initial assessment: 2 short outcome measures are completed (30 sec chair stand test and 40m walk test) (OARSI tests)

2 x group education sessions: ~60-90 mins duration, delivered preferably before participant starts.

12 x supervised group exercise sessions: ~60 mins duration, delivered twice weekly.

A follow-up assessment: 3 months after the initial assessment, where the two outcome measures are measured again, and there is a review of goals and planning for next steps.

Online questionnaire: Participants also complete an online questionnaire at baseline, 3 months and 12 months post initial assessment

Please note: all above components must be delivered by a GLA:D® certified clinician.

Providers set the cost of the Program at their organisation/clinic, with most private clinics charging between $500-$700. Supervised exercise sessions can be billed under a “Group Consultation”, item code 560 (physiotherapists) or 502 (accredited exercise physiologists), with eligible participants receiving a rebate from their private health insurers.

The GLA:D® Program is generally run as a group session, but can be run individually if needed, depending on the participant’s needs.

Medicare-subsidised visits, under the MBS Chronic Disease codes are only valid for 1:1 consultations, including the participant’s initial assessment, 3 month follow-up assessment and 1:1 supervised exercise sessions. People must be referred by the GP using a GP Management Plan and a Team Care Arrangement in order to be eligible for these subsidies.

Number of exercise sessions a week: Minimum of 2-3 to provide some flexibility. Sessions require 60 minutes each.

Number of participants per session: 4-6 depending on resources and number of exercise professionals available.

Cost of sessions: Consider pricing GLA:D® sessions similarly to a Pilates class/other group sessions.

Cost and length of education sessions: You might consider running these at no cost, but the value is at least the same as the exercise sessions.  Different funding options may not reimburse participants for education – this is part of our advocacy work.  These sessions will run from 1-1.5 hours depending on participant discussion.

Topics discussed in education sessions:

  • Session 1: Osteoarthritis overview, risk factors and treatment.
  • Session 2: Exercises for OA, everyday activities and OA,  coping and self help topics.
  • Optional Session 2: Discussion with a past participant, other relevant allied health professional (psychologist/counsellor/podiatrist/dietitan)

The following is the equipment needed for a GLA:D® class of 4:

Bike / X Trainer / Arm Ergo/ Active Warm up

Hand weights 2x1kg, 2x2kg
 Steps: Small / medium / large

Therabands red /green /blue /black

Swiss balls x2

Floor mats X 2
Sturdy chair x2  Mirrors Floor sliders /mats x4-6, balance mats x4-6, broomsticks x4-6

Projector /laptop and whitewall or screen for educational sessions

Up to date defibrillator and advanced CPR certification


Suitable spaces for classes:

  • Small gym areas (~5m x 5m)
  • Multipurpose rooms
  • Pilates Studios

Education sessions:

  • You will need a space to deliver these to participants, either in a small group or individually, and a large TV or Projector for the presentation.

Outcome measures:

  • You will also need a walkway for assessment of fast walking speed.