There are many clinical and academic teams across Australia working hard to improve outcomes for people with osteoarthritis.  Research is a vital part of this work.  We would really appreciate your help!

Opportunities for Clinicians

No current recruitment

Opportunities for Consumers

Are you an individual living with hip or knee osteoarthritis?  

Your input and experiences are invaluable to researchers! We invite you to participate in a survey designed to identify barriers and facilitators to exercise-based rehabilitation in people with knee/hip osteoarthritis.

By completing this survey, you will not only contribute to scientific knowledge but also pave the way for future improvements in the management of hip/knee osteoarthritis. Your insights and experiences could directly impact the development of strategies to overcome barriers and enhance facilitators, ultimately improving adherence to exercise-based rehabilitation.

To participate in the survey, please click on the following link:

Your participation is entirely voluntary, and all responses will be kept confidential. The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.


Do you have knee osteoarthritis or knee pain/stiffness when walking or going up and down stairs?

We are interested in understanding your perspective on using steroid injections to manage your symptoms. Your participation can help clinicians make better decisions for people like you.

You can access the survey via: or by scanning the QR code in the poster.

Researchers wishing to recruit / promote here

Please complete this form