In order to have and keep your clinic listed as a provider of the GLA:D® Hip and Knee program:

  1. The clinician(s) running the sessions must hold current GLA:D® Clinician Certification (renewed at 12 months following training and every 3 years after that).
  2. That/those clinician(s) must be recorded against the clinic record held with GLA:D® Australia.
  3. Clinics will need to update their clinic record annually.

Clinics without a currently-certified clinician will be removed from the GLA:D® Australia website, and may not offer the GLA:D® program.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR CLINICIANS: Make sure your contact details remain current with GLA:D® Australia. Add to your email contacts, and allow as an accepted domain (for emails from individual team members). If we don’t hold your current contact details, you will not receive emails to allow you to renew your certification.

Certification is the way GLA:D® Australia ascertains that you have the skills, knowledge and commitment to provide the program as intended. This is achieved through:

  • Initial training
  • Certification test
  • Clinician agreement form

Certification is important for ensuring the integrity of the program, and provides assurances to community members and funding agencies regarding program consistency across Australia.

It is also a requirement of being able to provide the program in Australia under our licensing agreement with the program owners in Denmark.

Email us to find out what you need to do to get it going again.

  • Less than 6 months overdue: Pay late fee ($55)
  • 6-12 months overdue: Late fee plus complete the Implementation Module
  • More than 12 months overdue: Complete Refresher course ($275)

NB: Clinicians without current certification are NOT ELIGIBLE to offer the GLA:D® Australia program.

Please email to tell us the updated situation at the clinic you’re leaving.

  1. Please email us so we can update our records and keep your certification current.
  2. Make sure you change your email address to keep receiving the newsletters – there is a link at the bottom of each newsletter to ‘update preferences’. If you aren’t receiving the newsletters, email us to find out how to get back on the mailing list.

Clinicians: Please email through a new Clinician Permission Form with all your current GLA:D® clinics listed.

Clinics: Please email through the name of the new GLA:D® clinician.

If your clinic has NEVER been listed on the registry, complete this online form:


It will ask for your clinic name, street address and phone number for the website; and best clinic email contact and names of the trained clinicians for our records.  You’ll also need to transfer the responses from your completed Clinic Implementation and Planning Checklist to the online form.

Clinics with more than one site providing the program should complete separate forms for each eligible site.

Clinics already registered: if you wish to update your details, including certified clinicians currently at your clinic, please email us at

If circumstances have changed, and your clinic has been removed in the past, and you are now able to offer the program again, please email us.

Annual Review: In June each year, you will be asked to review your clinic details and confirm your understanding of the requirements of the program. You will need to do this even if you have only recently had your clinic listed so that you can catch up with the cycle.