GLA:D® Australia Training Courses

The GLA:D® Australia Team is monitoring COVID-19 (Coronavirus) information and advice closely. 

Please protect your health and the health of others by following the Australian Department of Health guidelines 

Our online training program has formed the foundation of our training since 2021, and while we may offer occasional in-person training in the future, we are excited about the opportunities this may bring in terms of accessibility to our courses for providers around Australia.  

GLA:D® Australia supports the running of the program by managing the registry, replying to queries and advocating for high value evidence based education and exercise delivered by clinicians.

The team at GLA:D® Australia are committed to ensuring that GLA:D® Clinicians are not only trained to provide the highest level of evidence-based care, but are also supported to deliver it.  As a not for profit initiative, this means we can only cater to a certain number of attendees on each course, but we will strive to increase the availability of courses where possible.

Currently, the GLA:D® Australia clinician training course is only open to Physiotherapists registered in Australia and Accredited Exercise Physiologists practising in Australia, and only Physiotherapists and Accredited Exercise Physiologists who hold current certification can deliver the GLA:D® Program.  

Training courses have three modules:

  • MODULE 1: Lectures – Full day
  • MODULE 2: 4-hour practical session 
  • MODULE 3: Final 3-hour session to prepare for implementation

There is also a pre-course learning component to be completed independently prior to the course (approximately an hour).

The total number of hours of learning is 15 hours, and an attendance certificate stipulating this will be provided.

Most of our training courses are held entirely on-line; however, some hybrid options may be available from time to time. All modules must be completed IN REAL TIME, IN SEQUENCE and WITHIN THE SPECIFIED COURSE BLOCK.

Face-to-face or hybrid courses may take a slightly different format, but content will remain the same.

Module 1 – self-directed option
Module 1 is also now being offered as a self-directed online learning module in place of attending the live Module 1 session for the course. Self-directed modules are released for completion approximately 4 weeks prior to the course, with a due date stipulated for each course. Module 1 must be completed prior to progressing through the course.  


9.30am – 5.30pm
Melbourne time (AEDT or AEST)
MODULE 2 – one only
M/W/F 9am-1pm / T/Th 1pm-5pm
Melbourne time (AEDT or AEST)
10am – 1pm
Melbourne time (AEDT or AEST)
April/May Wednesday 30 April Weekdays in between Wednesday 7 May
June/July Friday 27 June Weekdays in between Friday 4 July
September Monday 1 September Weekdays in between Monday 8 September
November Wednesday 12 November Weekdays in between Wednesday 19 November

SUBSCRIBE to receive updates including when booking is available (one course released for booking at a time, approximately 6-8 weeks prior to the start of the course).

Fees and further details about the course are found here: 

COURSE FULLY BOOKED – email to enquire about the waiting list

APRIL-MAY 2025 GLA:D Australia Hip and Knee course (online) 

The April-May 2025 online course is open to both Physiotherapists and Accredited Exercise Physiologists, and will be conducted ENTIRELY ONLINE.

There are THREE Modules to this training course. Participants must complete ALL THREE Modules IN ORDER:

  1. Module 1 – Lectures – Wednesday 30 April, 9.30am-5.30pm AEST (note self-directed option for this module – see below).
  2. Module 2 – Practical (see below options for booking)
  3. Module 3 – Implementation – Wednesday 7 May, 10.00am-1.00pm AEST

Module 2 options – book ONE only per attendee

  • Thursday 1 May, 1.00-5.00, AEST
  • Friday 2 May, 9.00-1.00, AEST
  • Monday 5 May, 9.00-1.00, AEST
  • Tuesday 6 May, 1.00-5.00, AEST
The booking selection you will make in your Humanitix booking is for your Module 2 (Practical) session.

Once you make your booking, you will also be automatically booked into Module 1 and Module 3. Please make sure you have these dates and times in your calendar as well. There is an option to complete Module 1 as a self-directed module instead of attending on 30 April. See below for more details about this.

Please note that this training is not free of charge; but payment is not required on booking. The link for full registration and payment will be emailed through after booking. Further instructions about access to the sessions and pre-course work will also be sent at this time.



There is an opportunity for a limited number of attendees to complete Module 1 as a self-directed module, self-paced instead of attending on 30 April. Please book in to the course by choosing your prac session on Humanitix, and select the appropriate ticket for this. (ie if you are going to come to the live session on 30 April, select the ticket that says this; if you would like to apply for the self-directed module, select the ticket that says this).

  • TOTAL of one ticket only is required per attendee.
  • After booking, if you wish to swap from self-directed to live online, simply email GLAD Australia.
  • After booking, if you wish to swap from live online to self-directed, email GLAD Australia but also please note the closing date for the self-directed module is 1 April
  • The link to the self-directed module will be sent to approved applicants to be completed by Wednesday 23 April. For an overview of the content please see:

Course fees for 2025 are $790 per attendee, with a $50 discount available to multiple attendees paying together in a single transaction and to new-graduate registrants (NEW!!) (one discount type only per attendee).  This fee includes 4 years of certification, with a test to be completed at 12-months following training in order to maintain certification.

Fees and further details about the course are found here: 

This course is available for physiotherapists who are registered to practice in Australia and Accredited Exercise Physiologists practising in Australia, and who will be able to implement the program in Australia within the next 6 months.

GLA:D® Australia encourages clinicians to work with other health care providers in helping people to access evidence-based care.

Before booking into a course, please ensure you are eligible to undertake this training.

  • International clinicians are advised to go to
  • Newly-graduated physiotherapists without an AHPRA Registration will need to supply confirmation of course completion, either via a letter from your course coordinator or by giving your AHPRA application number.
  • Physiotherapists on limited registration / interim certification should please contact us directly to set up a specific supervision plan.  Note: Level 4/ Remote supervision level required in order to be eligible to undertake training.
  • Exercise Physiologists must be Accredited through ESSA.

GLA:D® Australia recognises the skills that other health professionals possess to assist in the diagnosis, treatment and management of hip and knee osteoarthritis. We recommend that all GLA:D® Australia clinicians engage with such health professionals where appropriate to optimise current evidence based management of osteoarthritis. However, health professionals of different disciplines are not currently eligible for this training. 

Subscribe here to receive updates in relation to training dates and courses.  Subscribers will receive course notifications and registration links via email.  

If you have subscribed for updates, including notification preferences, you will receive an automated email confirming your subscription.  You’ll then receive broadcast emails as they are released detailing when registrations will open, and then with links to register.   

Following training, you will also receive the monthly newsletter from GLA:D® Australia.

Subscribers please note:

Please add to your safe senders list or to your contacts, as communication will come from this account.
Automatic confirmation will be sent; please check junk mail if not received.

See here for information about course content.

Payment for training courses is taken along with registration details through the La Trobe University payments system.  Payment can be made via credit card or PayPal. 

GLA:D® Australia is not able to invoice for training courses.

See for further details about fees.

Visit our FAQs page for more information.