This page contains all the information needed for the upcoming GLA:D® Australia Online Course, and beyond.
- Please set aside some time to read through all this information carefully at least during the week prior to the course and keep this page bookmarked and handy to refer to throughout the course
- Note there is PRE-COURSE READING AND LEARNING – see below. You will need to allow an hour to go through this prior to the course.
- In preparation for the course please use the information below to address the following:
- Check computer and audio set up appropriately for lectures and for practical sessions – including audio test
- Check appropriate equipment and space available for the practical sessions
- Check what you need for all online sessions
- There will be a pre-course quiz/ questionnaire during the first module. You DO NOT need to complete this prior to the session. This quiz will set things up so you can complete your certification, so please ensure you do complete it during the time allocated in Module 1.
The course will be completed online and you will need access to the following for the entirety of the course:
- A tablet or computer (laptop or desktop) with a big enough screen to read and understand the presentations. Please download, and view, the following in full screen as an example – Presentation Example
- A webcam, either attached via USB or built-in to the tablet or computer (for the prac sessions)
- We recommend headphones with a built-in microphone (usually supplied when you purchase a smart phone) to decrease feedback from the audio in the presentations; alternatively you can use the built-in speakers and microphone in most tablets and computers – instructions on testing your audio are below
- A small, quiet and well lit room, with a comfortable place to sit – a study or clinic treatment room would be appropriate.
- Space to move, and exercise equipment, for the prac sessions – see below.
- Make sure you can access our Dropbox folder from the device(s) you will use during training. Some organisations will not permit this so you may need a cellular device (smart-phone or tablet that has internet access without using organisational wi-fi) on-hand. Note that you do not need to create an account or download this entire resource. It’s a live resource that is being updated regularly, and an account is not required for access. You can simply download individual files as you require..
- Check you can send audio and video through your internet connection. Some organisation IT systems will not allow you to send audio or video; this is not an issue for Modules 1 and 3, but for Module 2 (online) you will need to check beforehand that you can do this.
Attending with others?
- Module 1 – this will be fine, with as many people as can comfortably view the screen and hear the audio. HOWEVER – you will each need your own device to complete the pre-course questionnaire at the beginning of the session. A smartphone or tablet will be OK for this.
- Module 2 (online) – a maximum of two people per device, and devices will need to be in separate rooms to prevent feedback and background noise interference.
- Module 3 – this will be fine as for Module 1, and no separate devices are needed.
***Email during the session with names of attendees at your device if there is more than one person.***
In preparation for the course please test audio for the tablet or computer you will be using to attend the course.
- Click any of the session links below
- A pop-up will appear stating “waiting for host to join”
- Click the “test speaker” button on the pop-up
- Test both your speakers and microphone, following the prompts on your screen
During the course you will be able to adjust your audio and video settings by clicking the small arrow next to the “mute/unmute” button or “video” button.
Here is the Program Handbook to keep you on the straight and narrow during and after training. Make sure you have the Handbook downloaded and available for reference during the course. It’s only a few pages, so you may wish to print it off.
The Program Manual is comprehensive and includes all resources outlined in the Handbook. You may wish to have this accessible during training; print with caution as it’s hefty!! – and please note that this material will be updated from time to time and made available on the GLA:D® Australia Clinician’s Dropbox.
However, we try to be as responsive as possible to the learning needs of participants, so times are flexible!
Please complete the pre-course reading and learning found here:
It will be assumed that you have completed this prior to the start of the first Module.
**You do not need to attend this session if you have completed the Self-Directed Module 1**
Date/Time: Wednesday 30 April, 0930-1730, AEST
Zoom link:
Instructions: Please ensure you have gone through the checks above under ‘Requirements and Setup’ and ‘Testing Audio’. This will be a WEBINAR session and you will not be able to be seen or heard throughout. You will be able to submit Questions through the Zoom Q&A function.
Attending with others: This will be fine, with as many people as can comfortably view the screen and hear the audio. HOWEVER – you will each need your OWN DEVICE to complete the pre-course questionnaire at the beginning of the session. A smartphone or tablet will be OK for this.
- Dropbox link – note that you do not need to create an account or download this entire resource. It’s a live resource that is being updated regularly, and an account is not required for access. You can simply download individual files as you require.
- Facebook group
- Facebook page for public access
- Trek Education website with modules for clinicians and consumers
- Video of Ewa Roos talking about meniscectomy: Time to stop meniscectomy (
We will build in breaks as often as possible, but a full day of online learning can be quite intense. Please make sure you have food and water nearby, and a space in which to move around as much as possible.
Full participation in these practical sessions is a requirement of completing the training and being eligible for certification. Please ensure you check your setup as described below, and attend prepared to talk with your colleagues and to practise the exercises – even if you don’t have access to all equipment.
Date/time: Please attend the session you booked through Humanitix. You should only attend one of these sessions. Email if you need further assistance.
- Thursday 1 May, 1.00-5.00, AEST
- Friday 2 May, 9.00-1.00, AEST
- Monday 5 May, 9.00-1.00, AEST
- Tuesday 6 May, 1.00-5.00, AEST
Zoom link for all online practical sessions:
Instructions: Please ensure you have gone through the checks above under ‘Requirements and Setup’ and ‘Testing Audio’. This will be a MEETING session with full audio and video interaction. We will use Zoom breakout rooms in order to work together in small groups and with tutors (ratio of 8 attendees:1 tutor plus additional admin support person).
Attending with others: a maximum of two people per device, and devices will need to be in separate rooms to prevent feedback and background noise interference.
Some organisation IT systems will not allow you to send audio or video; this is not an issue for Modules 1 and 3, but for Module 2 you will need to check beforehand that you can do this.
Part 1. Physical Performance Tests
Part 2. Participant Education
- Participant Education Case Scenarios Presentation – for discussion during the training session
- Participant Education Resources – Presentations and notes
- NOI Group – Neurolinguistics in OA Knee – the nuances of language when talking about pain
- Musculoskeletal Framework – Resource to support discussion about biopsychosocial factors
- RACGP Clinical Guideline for the Management of knee and hip OA
- Knee OA Decision Support Tool – Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare
Part 3. NeMEx Program
- GLA:D NeMEx Program
- Guidance questions for NeMEx
- Backward chaining – technique for on/off floor practice
- Exercise equipment (as much as possible) and space to use it
- Mat, treatment plinth or somewhere suitable to lie – Trunk Strength Exercises
- Swiss Ball (preferred) or sturdy chair – Trunk Strength Exercises
- Sturdy Chair with 4 legs (Hip Chair or dining chair) – Knee Exercises and Chair Stand Exercises
- Assorted Theraband ~ 2m lengths (Ideally Green/Blue/Black/Silver/Gold) – Knee Exercises and Hip Exercises
- Sturdy Attachment Point (Kitchen table, leg of bed, etc) – Hip Exercises
- Step (adjustable preferred) – Step-up Exercises
- Slider (Polishing Cloth for hard surfaces / furniture slider for soft surfaces) – Slider Exercises – an XR Slider is often used, but you can use any furniture slider that has good space for a foot. If you or your clients are on a budget, an ice cream container lid (not too big) or even a laminated sheet of paper can be used – anything that slides freely across the floor surface you are working on.
- Long dowel or broom handle – Slider Exercises
- Any weights (weight vest/dumbbell/kettle bell)
Part 4. Exercise Progression and Modification
Date/Time: Wednesday 7 May, 10am – 1pm, AEST
Zoom link:
Instructions: Please ensure you have gone through the checks above under ‘Requirements and Setup’ and ‘Testing Audio’. This will be a WEBINAR session and you will not be able to be seen or heard throughout. You will be able to submit Questions through the Zoom Q&A function.
Members of the GLA:D® Australia team will be on hand to assist you with any issues you may have – however, please note we are not ICT professionals. Testing beforehand will help minimise the risk of problems.
We recommend testing your audio and video well in advance of the course – as described above. Some organisation IT systems will not allow you to send audio or video; this is not an issue for Modules 1 and 3, but for Module 2 you will need to check beforehand that you can do this.
If you would like to have a trial run before the course to see if your proposed set-up will work, please email
If you experience connectivity issues, are running late or find you have missed any part of the session, please email This account is monitored by a number of our team and guarantees the most timely response.
If for some reason you are unable to use email (eg if you have no internet connection or find yourself travelling unexpectedly), please SMS 0414 784 047 (also available on WhatsApp). Note that this is the phone number of a team member who may be presenting at the time so an immediate response may not be possible.
If you have any questions before or during the course, please email
The registry to enter participants can be found here:
If you would like to practise entering participants, or experience how the registry works, you can use the Training Module here Please make sure NOT to enter real data here.
When you completed your pre-course quiz, you should have immediately received an email with your Certification Test link.
- You will need to complete the Certification Test (online, via email link) within 7 days of the final session. If you don’t receive your test, PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY (don’t forget to check your junk mail…) It will be automatically sent to the email address you provided in the initial quiz.
- In order to receive your certification, you will need to complete the test with a pass of 80% and return your signed Permission form (there is a link in the test for you to attach it there – you do not need to email it in separately) (pdf and word doc versions below):
Clinician Permission form pdf
Clinician Permission form word doc - Your feedback will help shape the future of training for GLA:D® Clinicians:
Online Course Feedback - Ready to have your clinic listed? Head to for the next steps!
GLA:D® Australia will record all components of the course, including Modules 1, 2 & 3, for training and quality purposes only. These recordings will not be made generally available to individuals following the course. If you have any questions please contact