The GLA:D® Australia Clinician Refresher Course is designed for clinicians who:

  • Do not complete their initial certification within 6 months of training
  • Do not complete re-certification within 12 months of the due date

If you have not been directed to this web-page by GLA:D® Australia, please contact us before going any further.

The next opportunity to complete the final session of the refresher course will be early 2025. Once the fees are paid, though, clinicians can start the self-directed portions of the course immediately. 

The cost to complete the Refresher Course to be eligible to obtain current certification is $250+GST ($275).  This fee includes:

  • Access to the learning content on this page.
  • Initial certification for 12 months, comprising the certification test and submission of your clinician permission form.
  • Re-certification at 12 months for a further 3 years, again comprising the re-certification test and re-submission of your clinician permission form.

You will need to allow sufficient time to complete the self-directed learning portion before the final component which is attending Module 3 of a regular training course. Because it is part of the regular training schedule, there are fixed times for completing this, which you can find here The self-directed portion includes observation of an education session and observation of an exercise session, which may require attendance at another clinic. Please see the relevant section for details of the requirement.




Here is the Program Handbook to keep you on the straight and narrow during and after training. Make sure you have the Handbook downloaded and available for reference during the course.  It’s only a few pages, so you may wish to print it off.


The Program Manual  is comprehensive and includes all resources outlined in the Handbook.  You may wish to have this accessible during training; we recommend not printing, as it’s hefty!! – and please note that this material will be updated from time to time and made available on the GLA:D® Australia Clinician’s Dropbox.

The course should be undertaken in order, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Please go to and select ‘Refresher Course’ to pay the fee.

After payment is made, you’ll receive an email from GLA:D® Australia with the password for the recordings.

You will need to watch these theory lecture recordings (link at the bottom of this page)

  • What is OA
    • What is OA Lecture
    • What is OA Learning Check
  • First-Line Interventions 
    • Education Lecture
    • Exercise Lecture
    • Weight Management Lecture
    • First-Line Interventions Learning Check
  • Second- and Third- Line Interventions
    • Second-Line Interventions Lecture
    • Third-Line Interventions Lecture
    • Second- and Third- Line Interventions Learning Check
  • NeMEx Development

You will see Learning Check/Poll videos scattered throughout the course. You can download all questions here: Polling Questions. Pause videos whenever you need, and refer back to course presentations and the Dropbox to verify the answers. Some of the questions will be used in the certification test, but the main purpose is to check some fundamental concepts and knowledge.


You will need to watch the practical session recordings (link at the bottom of this page)

  • Physical Outcome Measures
    • Physical Outcome Measures Presentation 
    • Physical Outcome Measures Learning Check
  • Participant Education
  • NeMEx
  • Exercise Progression
    • Exercise Progression and Modification Presentation 
    • Exercise Progression and Modification Learning Check

You will see Learning Check/Poll videos scattered throughout the course. You can download all questions here: Polling Questions. Pause videos whenever you need, and refer back to course presentations and the Dropbox to verify the answers. Some of the questions will be used in the certification test, but the main purpose is to check some fundamental concepts and knowledge.


Part 1. Physical Performance Tests

Part 2. Participant Education

Part 3. NeMEx Program

Part 4. Exercise Progression and Modification

Option 1: Attend and observe an education session being delivered by a colleague or local clinician

Option 2: Attend an online participant education session email us the specific date you plan to attend if you’d like to do this.  We need to make sure there aren’t too many clinicians in these sessions.

Option 3: NOT YET AVAILABLE Watch this how-to video on the delivery of the participant education sessions with explanations, by A/Prof Christian Barton (under development).

Observe a GLA:D® exercise session, either in-person or via telehealth. If you don’t have access to observing an exercise session through your organisation or with other colleagues, contact GLA:D® Australia to make alternative arrangements.

Complete this form to apply to attend a live Module 3 Implementation session (see training course webpage for scheduling).

Zoom link:

Instructions: This will be a WEBINAR session and you will not be able to be seen or heard throughout.  You will be able to submit Questions through the Zoom Q&A function. Email during the session with names of attendees at your device if there is more than one person.


Before the Session:

We recommend testing your audio and video in advance of the session.  Some organisation IT systems will not allow you to send audio or video; this is not an issue but if you would like to have a trial run before the course to see if your proposed set-up will work, please email

During the Session:

If you experience connectivity issues, are running late or find you have missed any part of the session, please email  This account is monitored by a number of our team and guarantees the most timely response.

If for some reason you are unable to use email (eg if you have no internet connection or find yourself travelling unexpectedly), please SMS 0414 784 047 (also available on WhatsApp).  Note that this is the phone number of a team member who may be presenting at the time so an immediate response may not be possible.

If you have any questions before or during the course, please email

When your request to attend your Module 3 session is approved, if you have completed all components (see below*) you will receive an email with your Certification Test link.

  1. Hold onto this email until AFTER you do your Module 3 session. You will need to complete the Certification Test (online, via email link) within 7 days of the final session.  If you didn’t receive your test link, PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY (don’t forget to check your junk mail…)  It will be automatically sent to the email address you provide in the form.
  2. In order to receive your certification, you will need to complete the test with a pass of 80% and return your signed Permission form (there is a link in the test for you to attach it there – you do not need to email it in separately) (pdf and word doc versions below):
    Clinician Permission form pdf
    Clinician Permission form word doc

*NB If you have indicated that you have not yet completed all components of the refresher course, you will not receive your certification test link until you have confirmed that you have done so.

Your certification will be dated from your Module 3 session regardless of when you complete all components of the refresher course.

Ready to have your clinic listed? Complete your Clinic Implementation and Planning Checklist and complete this online form.  It will ask for your clinic name, street address and phone number for the website; and best clinic email contact and names of the trained clinicians for our records.  The Clinic Implementation and Planning Checklist forms part of your response; rather than attaching a file you will transfer your responses to the online form.


Head to the Recordings Page to get started! – you will need a separate password from the GLA:D® Australia team to be able to enter this page.